Has anyone else noticed the numbers of mallards that are being killed on George Lane recently? Either the birds are getting slowly intoxicated on the fallen apples at Culvermead Close and stumbling into oncoming traffic or, more likely, drivers are speeding and not looking out for these waddling wanderers.
Is there any way we can better protect all our local wildlife? A warning sign of wild birds might be a good start; this could also be placed in Waitrose car park - the other Marlborough killing field.
Oh dear, the mallards are being run over. Shame. Well be truthful, there are huge numbers of ducks on the Kennet through Marlborough and probably most other town rivers. They belong in the countryside and would probably go back if people stopped feeding them bread.... I would support a cull in Marlborough then the problem of ducks not joining the Tufty Club could be reduced. Duck pie for tea again tonight... Yummeee
Those mad mallards are crazy for apples - not a natural food for ducks is it! I have a far easier solution than bringing traffic to a halt or putting up expensive signs. At no other time of year do the mallards hurl themselves into the path of oncoming cars - so solution is for the altruistic residents in Culvermead Close to collect the apples up - put them in boxes on the grass there and encourage passers by to help themselves to a bagful - not just cheaper than Waitrose BUT free!! It's not a difficult problem to solve.
As a footnote to that, I catch a bus in George Lane in the mornings and have risked life and limb picking up the apples that have rolled into the road. The other morning, whilst throwing them back up on to the bank, I slipped and fell - arrived at work covered in wet mud - not a pretty sight!!