Just got back from a meeting about the new proposed primary school that will replace St Peter's and St Mary's infants held in Chopping Knife Lane. Well...... The venue was chosen to accomodatte the expected large turnout.....
I think there was FIFTEEN people!!!
When this is built the traffic congestion will be so bad you will hanker for the time when it only took 20 minutes to get along George Lane. It is proposed that the only access will be at Ducks Meadow so you can double the "dropping off" traffic and then add a few more coaches/taxis that congregate around Skurrays every schoolday.
I'm in favour of a new school but the vehicle situation has got to be a major consideration. The new access to St Johns is so far out of town that the main drop off will still be at the Ducks Meadow entrance. I cant see any other outcome.
Any body else got a view? Then where were you tonight?
there is not too much to worry about regarding traffic problems there will still be only one coach serving the minal lot the same as now, the same one delivers to both schools as for other congestion just go the london road way there wont be any school traffic there anymore it will be like the holidays all the time