I don't get it ............I say I am closing the forum because no one is using it ....i hide the link just to make sure that it is finished with and more people use it than ever before....
So I'll put it back up .....It costs me nothing to run but I have to moderate the posts so it costs me time more than anything.....but please use it ...tell others about it....get some discussions going ..........Hospital.......bins .....dog mess......rubbish.......fag ends ....chewing gum........tell Alf the town crier how much we need him ......anything (well almost)but just post something .....you are all anonymous to each other so don't be shy, your views are welcome, your ideas are welcome......
So please post
I'm a Dyslexic Agnostic Insomniac...
I sit up all night wondering if there really is a Dog