Don't forget - we're trying for the umpteenth time to save services at Savernake Hospital. Departments are being axed at a rate of knots by the powers that be and there is a public meeting - called by Marlborough Town Council - on Monday 4th June - YES - tomorrow! It's in the Town Hall - please spread the word by cascaded emails if possible and PLEASE come along.
Watch this space! Following last night's meeting about Savernake Hospital, we will soon post details of where to write and a reminder of the points covered at the meeting. We need letters by the THOUSAND not hundred. Great meeting last night with lots of interesting points and huge enthusiasm which we must build on. Don't let's lose the momentum - add this site to your Favourites and come back often to keep in touch because together we can all make a difference.
The Health Advocacy Partnership are being most helpful in taking forward our concerns about the closure of services within Savernake Hospital. They would like specific questions from you that they will put to Wiltshire PCT - please email It would be helpful if you could keep questions specific and short. We need YOUR help if we are going to make any progress.